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December 18, 2017

Christmas Service of Kobe College Senior & Junior High School



December 10, 2017

I'm very happy to tell you that my new CD titled " Organ Recitals in the U.S.A." has just been released!!



October 12, 2017

I had a wonderful time to play an organ concert at Kingswell Hall in Yamanashi.  It was an honor for me to play a historic Baroque organ made on the model of Silbermann organ made in 1722.  I deeply appreciate my organ teacher, Ms.Keiko Inoue's kindly giving this opportunity.  Enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the Italian lunch in Kingswell with my friends after the concert.



September 16, 2017

Concert @ Hyogo Performing Arts Center.  Soprano, two Steinway pianos, two flutes and organ were played in the concert!  I played Vivaldi's Gloria, Faure's "Pie Jesu"  with a soprano and Bach's Toccata and Fugue in d minor BWV565 as my solo.  I'm glad to know the audience enjoyed listening to the organ in this concert hall.  I deeply appreciate their coming to this concert in spite of the bad weather.

兵庫県立芸術文化センター 神戸女学院小ホールでのアルカディア音楽芸術財団のコンサートに出演させていただきました。この日は、ソプラノ、スタインウェイのピアノ2台、フルート2本、オルガンというバラエティ豊かなプログラム!私は、ヴィヴァルディの “グロリア”を声楽、フルートと共演、フォーレの”ピエ、イエズ”を寺本郁子さんと共演、そしてバッハのトッカータとフーガ ニ短調をソロに演奏いたしました♪ロジャーズの電子オルガンは多彩な音色を作ることができ、伴奏もソロも、ホールいっぱいに豊かな響きが広がりました。初めて聴いた生演奏の「トッカータとフーガ」に感激した、というお声も頂戴しました。アンコールでは、出演者全員の伴奏により「ふるさと」をお客様と大合唱!台風前の雨の中、ご来聴くださいました皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。


August 26, 2017

I played a concert titled "Midsummer Fantasy by organ & soprano" with Ms. Kayo Morikawa at Bungei Seminariyo Concert Hall in Azuchi, Shiga.  The famous movie music, opera pieces, the organ solo pieces by Bach, Clarke and Mendelsshon are included in the program.

安土 文芸セミナリヨというホールが開催しておられるワンコインコンサートを弾かせていただきました。ソプラノの森川華世さんとジョイントで「パイプオルガンとソプラノによる真夏のファンタジー」と題して、ジブリ、ディズニー、オペラのメロディーを歌とオルガンで、バッハのトッカータとフーガ 二短調、メンデルスゾーンの「真夏の夜の夢」より 結婚行進曲などの名曲をオルガンソロで、たっぷりとお聴きいただきました。小さなお子様連れファミリーはじめ大勢のお客様が380席あるホールほぼいっぱいにお越しくださいました。曲間のオルガンクイズでは、皆さんが積極的に参加してくださり感激! 共演者の森川さん、ホール専属オルガニストの城さんはじめお世話になった方々に感謝いたします。遠方より聴きに来てくれた友人、生徒さん、家族にも感謝です。終演後は友人の車で近江八幡本店のたねや日牟禮茶屋とクラブハリエへ直行。おばんざいランチとスイーツのお買い物を楽しみました。


August 19, 2017

Great time with my family in Kobe Animal Kingdom!   We enjoyed Chinese buffet lunch at our favorite dim sum restaurant in Kobe.



August, 2017

I visited the faculty of law in Kyoto University where Masahiro works at and we celebrated his birthday at a nice French restaurant "Shiran" in the campus.


June 30, 2017

The organ concert at the auditorium in Kobe College.  The program of the concert named "Sound of Baroque and Modern" consisted of Bach, Buxtehude, Albinoni, Hirten and Alain.

梅雨空の中、大勢のお客様がお越しくださり、今年もお陰様で、神戸女学院のオルガンコンサートを無事に終えることができました。片桐聖子さんによるバッハ3曲の演奏に続いて、私はバロック音楽2曲、サンフランシスコの友人John Karl Hirten氏の”Beach Spring"とアランのリタニーという現代音楽の響きをお聴きいただきました。バラエティーに富んだ音楽、音色を聴けて楽しかった、というお声をいただき大変嬉しく思いました。2005年に作曲されたHirten氏の優しいお人柄あふれる美しい作品に、皆様より温かいコメントをいただきました。アメリカでお世話になって以来27年間の温かい友情に感謝しつつ、演奏させていただきました。毎年恒例となった友人達との学食ランチでは話が尽きず、帰る頃には晴れ間が・・・。ご準備くださった方々、ご来聴くださいました皆様、ありがとうございました。


June 11, 2017

The wedding in the beautiful campus of Kobe College in June.


May 5, 2017

The Charity Concert for Tohoku Earthquake in The Symphony Hall, Osaka.

指揮者の井村誠貴氏の呼びかけにより行われている東日本大震災復興チャリティーコンサート  未来へつなぐ『集』コンサート2017 に出演させていただきました。ステージに乗り切らないほどのオケと合唱団300名、ザ・シンフォニーホールがほぼ満席の聴衆という、ビッグで熱い3時間のコンサートでした。この日招かれた宮城県石巻市の高校生による吹奏楽の演奏も見事でした。私は「ローマの松」「威風堂々」など6曲をオケ・合唱とご一緒させていただきました。東日本大震災の現状について知る機会となり、今一度思いを馳せ、音楽を通して皆の心が一つとなったコンサートでした。この日のチャリティー金額(390万円以上)は、井村氏より直接石巻市長に贈られました。


April 30, 2017

Organ Concert by Carlo & Naoko on Mander Organ at Toyonaka Church

It was such a pleasure and honor for Toyonaka Church to invite Mr. Carlo Forlivesi, Italian composer and organist to our annual chapel concert on April 30.  The audience enjoyed "History of Organ Music" including Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic organ music by Carlo and me.  It was fun for me to play Verdi's oprera song with Carlo for encore.  Thank you for the wonderful concert, Carlo.

今年の豊中教会チャペルコンサートには、イタリアよりカルロ・フォルリヴェージ氏をお迎えして、オルガン音楽の旅 〜History of Organ Music〜というテーマのコンサートを開催いたしました。当日は150名を超えるお客様がお越しくださり、後ろ向きに準備した座席に補助イスを足し、プログラムも追加印刷をするという盛況ぶりでした。

前半はカルロさんの演奏による中世、ルネッサンスのオルガン音楽でした。皆さん熱心に聴き入っておられました。後半は私が、バッハ、モーツァルトを、そしてカルロさんがイタリア・ベッリーニのオルガン作品を披露してくださり、続いて日本の瀧廉太郎の「荒城の月」の編曲を私が披露、最後にフランクというプログラム構成でした。スケールの大きいオルガン音楽の歴史を味わうことができた、といったお声も頂戴し、皆様に楽しんでいただけたようでした。アンコールには二人でヴェルディのオペラ曲を連弾で演奏。これが一番好評だったかもしれません(^^) カルロさんはじめ、お忙しい中駆けつけてくださった聴衆の皆様に心より感謝いたします。


March 29, 2017

I was very happy to be able to play Mander Organ at Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in NY.   This Mander Organ is a wonderful instrument!!   This church is beautiful space and has wonderful acoustics.   I really enjoyed playing Bach, Buxtehude, Clarke, Karg-Elert, Widor, Piontek, etc.   I'm grateful to Mr. John Mander, the builder of this organ and Mr. Scott Warren, the organist of St. Ignatius for giving me such a precious chance to play this organ.  I've heard that there will be the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the installation of this organ next April.


 This church is located on Park Avenue close to Central Park!  Chise, Haruka and I attended the mass before I practice.  Scott and me on the right.

March 28, 2017

Thanks to Chise's efforts, I also got a chance to play a recital at St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church in Hoboken, NJ in the evening of March 28.  The church and the organ were built in 1877 and the church has a lovely atmosphere.  The historical organ made by George Jardine & Son organ company in Manhattan has warm and mild sound.  I thank the organist, Richard and Rev. Rose for letting me play a recital here.  I fully enjoyed playing one hour recital including Star Wars for encore.  After the concert I had a wonderful time with may friends and my family at the Italian restaurant.   I also thank Haruka for working very hard as an assistant in each concert.


  St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church in Hoboken, New Jersey


  Richard, the organist of St. Matthew, kindly made a beautiful program for my recital!!



                                                                                           The night view of Manhattan from Hoboken

March 28, 2017

My dear friend Chise introduced me to Dr. Patrick Allen, the organist of Grace Church on Broadway in New York City, and I was given a wonderful opportunity to play at the chapel of Grace Church.   I played 11 pieces of J.S.Bach for the meditation hour called "Bach at Noon".  The chamber organ made by Taylor & Boody organbuilders sounded nicely at the chapel.  My friends who are living in NY and visited from Kobe kindly listened to my music, which made me so happy.



       Chise, Patrick and me

March 26, 2017

On the concert day at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco

I was very happy to play an organ recital here and it was such an honor to have warm audience including my dear friends.  It was a lovely experience for me to play "Beach Spring" composed by my friend, John Karl Hirten, in this cathedral which has wonderful acoustics.


March 25, 2017

Afetr my rehearsal at St. Mary's Cathedral, Haruka and I went to Nob Hill by cable car.  We visited Grace Cathedral and had a nice meditation time there. My mother, Haruka and I had a delicious dinner at Hotel Inter Continental Mark Hopkins on the top of Nob Hill, which was a special night for us three.

コンサート前日の最後のリハーサルを終えた後は、娘とバスとケーブルカーを乗り継ぎ、一流ホテルが立ち並ぶノブヒルに。サンフランシスコに行くと必ず立ち寄るグレースカテドラル、そこはまさに祈りの空間です。 この日は母、娘とのSFの思い出に、ノブヒルのHotel Mark Hopkinsにてディナーを頂くことができました。


 Union Square filled with flowers    California Line of Cable Car has a good view.      Grace Cathedral on Nob Hill

March 24, 2017

Chris took us to a lovely lunch at Ghiradelli Square.  We celebrated Chris' and Haruka's birthday!   I practiced the organ at the cathedral and then we went to Berkeley by BART.  It was so nice to visit UC Berkeley again.  Grace North Church in Berkeley is my sweet home. 



                                                                                          The campus of UC Berkeley where I used to study organ.       The church I used to play on Sundays.

March 22, 2017

I visited San Francisco to play a recital at St. Mary's Cathedral.   I was so happy to see Chris, the organist here at St. Mary's.  It was very honorable for me to visit this beautiful cathedral and play Ruffatti Organ again!    I'm grateful to Chris for giving me the chances to play the organ concerts and play for the mass since I was chosen one of 25 competitors of in the Competiton in Organ Performance held by American Guild of Organists in 1994.



                                                               This Ruffatti Organ made in Padua, Italy has been acclaimed as one of the finest in the world.  It has 4842 pipes. 

March 18, 2017

Graduation Ceremony of Aiko Kindertgarten at Toyonaka Church.  I played Clarke's Trumpet Voluntary, Pachelbel's Canon, Verdi's Grand March, etc. to celebrate 28 students' graduation.



February 13, 2017

Sightseeing to Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine with my friends.



January 19, 2017

We had the last morning service of the winter semester of Kobe College at Searle Chapel.  The trees in the campus have the buds and they are waiting for spring!





January 10, 2017

Happy New Year!   I hope 2017 will be a peaceful and joyful year for all of you.  I visited Kanazawa and Awara hot spring and had a relaxing time with my family.





Kanazawa Castle                              Kenrokuen Garden                   Traditional houses are kept in Kanazawa.


Icecream with gold powder!  Excellent Chinese food at Hotel ANA Crown Plaza.  Fukui prefecture is famous for Dinosaurs!

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